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Ultrasonic Cavitation

What is fat cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses ultrasound technology to reduce fat cells in targeted parts of the body. It is the preferred option for anyone who does not want to undergo extreme options such as liposuction, as it is does not involve any needles or surgery.


Is ultrasonic fat cavitation a safe procedure?

Yes, it is a safe, FDA Approved, comfortable, and non-invasive procedure with virtually no side effects. The ultrasound energy is designed to target fatty tissues beneath the skin only, and does not affect the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues.


Do you lose weight with cavitation?

Because you are reducing fat deposits you may experience some loss in weight but it is not a weight loss treatment.

Cavitation (Belly)
30 min
Cavitation (Thighs)
30 min
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